Tap to Tweet | Select Text and Share to Twitter/X

4 min readMay 18, 2024

Download: https://bit.ly/taptotweet
Open-Source GitHub: https://bit.ly/taptotweetgit
Product Hunt: https://bit.ly/taptotweetph
Tutorial: https://bit.ly/taptotweetvideo

Welcome to Tap to Tweet (previously Click to Tweet), a Chrome extension designed to transform your X formerly Twitter sharing experience. With our free tool, open source on GitHub, sharing your favorite quotes, facts, blogs, and snippets from the web to Twitter/X becomes as simple as a single click/tap.

How It Works (for tweeting text)

  1. Select Text: Browse any website and highlight the text you wish to share.
  2. Easy Access: Right-click/Double tap to find the “Tweet Selected Text” option in the context menu or simply click/tap on the extension icon.
  3. Instant Sharing: The extension opens a new Twitter tab, crafting a tweet for you with the selected text and its source URL.

How It Works (for tweeting site)

  1. Site: Go to the site you want to tweet, right-click/double tap to find the “Tweet This Site” option in the context menu or simply click/tap on the extension icon.
  2. Instant Sharing: The extension opens a new Twitter tab, crafting a tweet for you with the site’s URL.

Why Choose Tap to Tweet?

  1. Effortless Sharing: Say goodbye to the hassle of copying and pasting. Tap to Tweet streamlines your sharing process, allowing you to tweet directly from your browsing experience.
  2. Time Efficiency: In the fast-paced world of social media, every second counts. Our extension saves you precious time, making content sharing on Twitter quick and effortless.
  3. Broad Compatibility: Designed to work across a wide range of websites, Tap to Tweet ensures a seamless sharing experience. Whether it’s an article, a blog post, or a news piece, our extension is equipped to handle selections within iframes and shadow DOMs.
  4. User Privacy and Security: We prioritize your privacy and security. Tap to Tweet operates without storing any of your data, ensuring that your browsing and sharing remain private and secure.
  5. Compliance and Responsibility: In line with Twitter’s terms and usage policies, Tap to Tweet respects all platform guidelines, ensuring a responsible and compliant user experience.
  6. Continuous Improvement: Tap to Tweet is optimized for performance, ensuring minimal impact on your browsing speed, even on content-heavy websites. Our team continuously works to improve the extension’s performance and compatibility.
  7. Open for Feedback: Your input is invaluable. We encourage users to share their experiences and suggestions. Reach out to us at kavil@kavilrawat.in or visit our support page for assistance and to contribute to the extension’s ongoing development.

Use Case: The Constant X Twitter User

Samantha, a Social Media Enthusiast

Samantha is a dedicated Twitter user who loves staying updated with the latest trends and news across various domains. She often stumbles upon intriguing articles and videos online and enjoys sharing her discoveries with her followers. With Tap to Tweet, Samantha can quickly share interesting snippets or entire web pages with her audience. As she browses through different websites, she highlights compelling quotes or insights and uses the extension to tweet them instantly. This seamless sharing process not only sparks engagement and discussions with her followers but also helps her connect with others over shared interests. By simplifying the way she shares content, Tap to Tweet allows Samantha to enhance her online presence and maintain an active and engaging Twitter feed.


Managing Twitter’s Character Limit: Tap to Tweet adheres to Twitter’s standard character limit of 280 characters. If your selected text exceeds this limit, consider these options:

  • Edit Before Posting: The extension opens a pre-filled Twitter window with your selected text. If it’s over the character limit, you can manually shorten it or split it into multiple tweets (threads) before posting.
  • Twitter Premium: For users subscribed to Twitter’s premium service, the character limit extends up to 25,000 characters. Tap to Tweet fully supports this feature, enabling you to share longer content without the need for editing or threading.
  • Compatibility Challenges: While Tap to Tweet is designed to function on a wide variety of websites, certain sites with unique layouts or strict security settings may present compatibility issues. We are committed to enhancing our extension’s compatibility and appreciate your understanding and feedback in these situations.
  • Post-Installation Reminder: After installing Tap to Tweet, please refresh your browser page to activate the extension. This step is necessary for the extension to function properly on your current tabs.

Join Us in Revolutionizing Social Media Sharing

With Tap to Tweet, you’re not just installing an extension; you’re upgrading your entire approach to Twitter sharing. Simplify your online interactions, share content swiftly, and make the most out of every tweet. Ready to transform how you tweet? Download now!

Download: https://bit.ly/taptotweet
Open-Source GitHub: https://bit.ly/taptotweetgit
Product Hunt: https://bit.ly/taptotweetph
Tutorial: https://bit.ly/taptotweetvideo

Thank you for reading till the end,
Kavil Rawat

